That time strategy healed our extended family ptII
Lies, no accountability, secrets and a game.
Here’s a story about surviving childhood and making a difference in your family!
{~7min Read}
Lies, no accountability, secrets and a game.
Here’s a story about surviving childhood and making a difference in your family!
{~7min Read}
You wouldn’t think many teens would be scared of the water…
So what was really going on?
Here’s how to notice the deep important things, even while having fun with your children!
{3min Read}
…took a few steps and stuttered, his hands slipped straight off of the handle bar swing, his legs started coming up and up and up. While his head just swooped down down down. He got past the first rocks, and BARELY made it into the water…
{~9min read}
Pacing while pulling at hairs, almost plucking them all the way out
SCREAMING “GET THE FUCK OUT, LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE! WHY DO YOU ALWAYS DO THIS TO ME?!!!” while walking up to walls to headbutt and kick.
{~8½min read}
…Instantly when meeting I got those same vibes.
This could be a handful.
And my partner had decided to take all of her boundaries away when she moved them.
This girl was a law unto herself, no doubt…
{6½min read}
From the outside that’s all that was heard.
The client was now inside after slamming the door shut, with just 1 worker when policy requires 2 or more with this client! A powerful 120-odd-kilogram 20-something-year-old that headbutts and knees brick walls for fun, and can pull a back flip a few feet from the trampoline, is now inside with the new worker!!!
{7½min read}
…He FLEW out of the car, kicking and swinging at anything and everything on the way out.
Suddenly, they saw the bins. There was that split second pause as you could almost hear the thoughts… They rushed the bins, punching and kicking them over, throwing trash everywhere…
{10min read}