How to Observe and Support Troubled Teens
As parents we are constantly observing and supporting our children.
Here are some quick tips that lead me to massive success quickly when working with teens!
{~15min Read}
As parents we are constantly observing and supporting our children.
Here are some quick tips that lead me to massive success quickly when working with teens!
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Children are complex, but they are also fairly consistent.
Learning how our child operates allows us to plan ahead for their ‘mistakes’ (learning).
Free yourself today with these tips!
{~12min Read}
As our children grow and learn, the drift in and drift out. How can we keep them closer, support them more?
Here’s how a youth worker has managed it at home!
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“I’m Fine!” “mmmm!” “ughhh!”
How do we know when our children ACTUALLY need help? At times it seems like we are pushed away, locked out.
Working with children of all ages, in many different contexts, I have noticed a few consistencies. Here are my short cuts to fixing teenager behaviour issues!
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Disciplining teenagers is tricky.
Too much and it comes back on you, not enough and they typically escalate the behaviours.
After decades in youth work, here are the shortcuts I use to discipline children!
{16min read}
“Slow and steady wins the race”
“Good things come to those who wait”
If something is worth the effort, it’s worth planning for.
Steal my shortcuts,
If you’re craving a more connected family try this out!
{25min read}
It is the best way to correct any behaviours. You need to have a connection to someone before trying to correct them!
Here’s a few ways to win the battles with your teenagers 😉
{10min read}
Want to save some time and energy disciplining your children?
Our “roll the stone” strategy, stolen from a Chinese Emperor, will help you!
{11min read}
Our co-parenting relationships are SO important for our children’s growth.
Here are some ways to keep those relationships close while parenting!
{11min read}
From the outside that’s all that was heard.
The client was now inside after slamming the door shut, with just 1 worker when policy requires 2 or more with this client! A powerful 120-odd-kilogram 20-something-year-old that headbutts and knees brick walls for fun, and can pull a back flip a few feet from the trampoline, is now inside with the new worker!!!
{7½min read}
Each of us has preferences in the ways we show and feel love, and these “languages” effect how we interact in ALL of our relationships.
Find out how to use them in your parenting, RIGHT NOW!
{10¾min read}
“The 5 Love Languages” was published by Gary Chapman in the early 90s and the idea is fairly simple.
Each of us has preferences for the ways we show and feel love, and these languages effect how we interact in ALL of our relationships.
Learn how to connect with people on a deeper level, right now!
{3¾min read}